Solutions for Musical Products Retailers
In today’s rapidly changing competitive and technological environments, retailers selling musical products need to make the best business decisions possible – day after day. Many have made investments in POS computer systems, but haven’t tapped the full value of the resulting information. MI SalesTrak takes that POS data and turns it into information that can help run the business.
Retailers have always known their own sales but have been unable to easily benchmark their performance with the rest of the industry. If sales are up 5%, is that better or worse than the results of similar stores? MI SalesTrak provides the benchmark to help determine success, and identify areas of opportunity.
MI SalesTrak reports the success of individual brands and models as well as overall categories. Was that new product introduction a success? Should we consider stocking it? What are the price trends? MI SalesTrak provides unprecedented insight into the market.
And retailers of all sizes can use MI SalesTrak. In fact, the greater the diversity of the participating retailers, the better the information. Even retailers carrying limited distribution lines need to know what is happening outside their door, and across the country.
Reports are delivered monthly, and participation is easy. Simply contact us by clicking here, and we’ll tell you the few simple steps it takes to get onboard.